Climate control in agricultural greenhouses: here are the best solutions
Hemp cultivation in greenhouses: what you need to know

Hemp cultivation:
why it is worth investing

Despite being a growing industry, there is still a lot of confusion about the cultivation of hemp. Is it really a worthwhile investment? What can be produced with hemp? Is it better growing hemp outdoors or indoors, in a greenhouse?

In this article we find out everything you need to know about the cultivation of hemp.

Why is the cultivation of hemp profitable?

Hemp is a plant with a tall and thin stem, which can exceed 4 meters in height and is extremely productive. The cultivation of hemp can therefore prove to be an advantageous investment from several points of view.


One of the characteristics of hemp is its high productivity: it is even one of the most productive plants in the entire temperate zone. A crop grown in 3 and a half months produces four times more biomass than the same area of forest in one year.

Hemp grows at a very fast rate and frees the soil of all weeds better than a chemical herbicide would.

It is also a plant that lends itself to many uses: each part, from the stem to the seeds, can be used for a different purpose. In fact, you can't throw anything away from hemp!


The cultivation of hemp is also an environmentally sustainable activity. It is even one of the few crops with a positive impact on the environment: in practice, during cultivation and processing of the hemp, more CO2 is absorbed than is emitted! A growing hemp crop absorbs about 4 times as much CO2 as other trees. We can therefore define it as a plant with depolluting action!

Not to mention that it does not require pesticides or fertilizers to grow.

Investing in hemp cultivation therefore means investing in a cleaner, more sustainable world.

What can you make from hemp?

Cultivation types

Before investing in the hemp business, however, it is necessary to make some clarifications about the different types of cultivation.

Here are what are the differences, advantages and disadvantages of growing hemp outdoors and in a greenhouse.

Growing hemp outdoors

Growing hemp outdoors is beneficial for some reasons but complicated in other ways. Certainly there is more space to work with, natural sunlight available, free rainwater and the necessary ventilation.

However, growing hemp outdoors requires some experience and constant care: the plants are in fact exposed to pests, predators, frost in winter and heat waves in summer. Also, you need to choose the right area because not all conditions are suitable for hemp growth and precautions against insects are necessary.

Growing hemp in a greenhouse

Growing hemp in a greenhouse is definitely easier because you can set and control all the parameters of the environment where the plants will grow. It is easy to change the settings related to temperature and humidity, but also those related to lighting, which is particularly important in case of hemp cultivation.

Once upon a time one of the disadvantages of growing hemp indoors was the high consumption of electricity and, consequently, the expense of electricity bills. Today this problem can be solved thanks to the new renewable energy plants: Artigianfer has invested a lot in sustainability and today realizes customized greenhouses for each type of cultivation.

If you want to learn more about the possibilities of farming greenhouses, read our blog.

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